Rodolfo Bonetto

Olivari Designers

Rodolfo Bonetto

Olivari Designers

MILANO, 1929-1991

A professional jazz drummer and self-taught designer, around age 30 Bonetto interrupts his musical career and starts to collaborate with companies linked to the automobile industry, body shops, and component manufacturers.

— Autovox Linea 1, 1969
— Rodolfo Bonetto

In 1946 he wins the first of seven Golden Compass Awards for his Sfericlock for Veglia Borletti. His automobile and appliance designs are so innovative that Thomas Maldnado assigns him a professorship at the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Ulm, in charge of the first car design course.

During his career, he designs interiors for Fiat, machine tools for Olivetti,radios for Autovox, the Melania armchair for Driade (1972) and the Boomerangarmchair for Flexform (1968).

— Aki portaombrelli, B-line 1975
— Boomerang poltrona, Flexform 1968
— Quattro Quarti tavolini, Bernini 1969