After finishing his studies in 1948, Mangiarotti moves to Chicago in 1953 where he is also a visiting professor at IIT. He returns to Milan in 1955 and collaborates for a few years with Frank Lloyd Wright’s student Bruno Morassutti. He creates highly experimental works such as the Mater Misericordiae church in Baranzate (1957) and the Casa a Tre Cilindri in via Gavirate in Milan (1959).
1993 - Out of production
1947 - Out of production
— Casa a tre cilindri, Via Gavirate 27, Milano 1959
— Angelo Mangiarotti
Mangiarotti then experiments with prefabricated structures in cement. These lead not only to a high level of technical refinement, but great esthetic refinement as well.
— Chiesa di Nostra Signora della Misericordia, A. Mangiarotti e B. Morassutti, Baranzate MI, 1956
His same constructional skill and formal sensitivity appear in his design of objects and furnishings, such as the modular glass lamp V+V Giogali (1967) and the Eros gravity tables (1971).