Leonardo Fiori

Olivari Designers

Leonardo Fiori

Olivari Designers


A direct witness to cultural ferment in 20th century architecture, Fiori is a student of Le Corbusier, and a leading player during Adriano Olivetti’s era of patronage. Leonardo Fiori is the editor of the magazines, Superfici, Habitat and Costruire. He teaches at the Milan Polytechnic for many years. Some of his best known works are the Olivetti Mountain Colony in Brusson (1956) and the pavilion at the Osaka Expo (1970).

— Libreria, ISA Bergamo, 1960

Some of his best known works are the Olivetti Mountain Colony in Brusson (1956) and the pavilion at the Osaka Expo (1970).

— Fiori, Olivari, fuori produzione