Salone del Mobile 2019

Salone del Mobile 2019


9 – 14 april 2019

Art meets Design

Olivari was present at the SALONE DEL MOBILE this year too.

The stand, designed by Studio Calvi Brambilla, had the theme “Art meets Design” and was characterized by wide monochrome extroverted canvases (a tribute to the artist Agostino Bonalumi) which let shine through the lines characterizing the four new handles designed by important designers: Antonio Citterio, Carlo Colombo, Luca Casini, Max Pajetta – together with two “best of” handles by Rem Koolhaas and Zaha Hadid.

Antonio Citterio says “I like non-protagonist handles”. The door handle Milano is actually designed as a timeless handle, an evergreen.

The door handle Lugano by Carlo Colombo was born with the occasion of the project for the house of a friend entrepreneur, for whom he wanted to create a “made-to-measure” model.

Luca Casini wanted to realize a simple but elegant object with a full-bodied and comfortable grip. The result was obtained with Diva.

The door handle Vola by Max Pajetta was born after many and many prototypes, all looking for an aesthetic balance reconciling technical-productive and ergonomic needs.
