Paolo Portoghesi

Olivari Designers

Paolo Portoghesi

Olivari Designers

ROMA, 1931

After graduating in Rome in 1957, Portoghesi becomes one of the first architects to pit himself against functional rationalism both with his studies on Guarino Guarini and Francesco Borromini, and the surprising Casa Baldi in Rome (1959) where he unites the Avant-Garde and Baroque.

— Nuova Chiesa, Calcata 2009
— Paolo Portoghesi

His Rome Mosque(1975-1993) is the high point of his research. He is the curator of the First Venice Architecture Biennial, (1980) and director of the Strada Novissima installation. Portoghesi is one of the key characters in the post modern movement.

— Tea&Coffee Piazza, Alessi 1979-1983

He has been the director of the magazines ControspazioEupalinoMateria and Abitare la Terra. He has taught at the School of Architecture of Rome and Milan, where he is also Dean from 1968 to 1977.

— Posate d’argento, Cleto Munari 1984
— Grande Moschea di Roma, 1974